What Is A Low White Blood Cell Count Mean

 Camila Farah    

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People with lower white blood cell counts live longer.

A blood test that shows a wbc count of less than 4 000 per microliter some labs say less than 4 500 could mean your body may not be able to fight infection the way it should. Medicine for an overactive thyroid. Even within the normal range every one point drop may be associated with a 20 drop in the risk of premature death. A acute neutropenia is usually due to high neutrophil use in the body or low neutrophil production which are common when your body is fighting off an infection.

Cancer or other diseases that damage bone marrow. It can increase your risk of getting infections. Wbcs which are produced in the bone marrow are an important part of your immune system and your body s natural weapon to fight off bacteria viruses and other germs. A low white blood cell count usually means your body is not making enough white blood cells.

Autoimmune disorders that destroy white blood cells or bone marrow cells. A low white blood cell count usually is caused by. In general for adults a count lower than 4 000. Cancer treatment like radiotherapy.


This is a log scale. A low white blood cell count leukopenia is a decrease in disease fighting cells leukocytes in your blood. Certain disorders present at birth congenital that involve diminished bone marrow function. A short term low white blood cell count is usually due to acute neutropenia a short period of time in which absolute number of neutrophils in the blood are low.

A low white blood cell wbc count is a decreased number of white blood cells leukocytes in the blood. What causes a low white blood cell count. Viral infections that temporarily disrupt the work of bone marrow. So there s an exponential increase in risk as white count goes up even within the so called normal range.

Some cancers like leukaemia. A low number is.

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